Take care your pieces
A jewel of Sibela it is a timeless investment. Taking good care of your jewelry will help you maintain its splendor, shine and durability.
Here are some useful tips on how to care for and maintain your jewelry, so that you always look like the first day.
Preserve your jewelry
All jewels are beautiful but delicate objects. Especially silver jewels with a gold finish, these pieces are finished with a final coating with a thin layer of gold, this plating is sensitive to multiple factors such as friction, perfumes, creams, chemicals, sweating, pH of the skin. , even external agents such as exposure to the sun or salt water.
For these reasons, we ask you to follow these little tips with which you will ensure that your jewelry remains unaltered over time.
1 After use, wipe them with a cotton handkerchief to remove any traces of chemical agents or perspiration that may have adhered to their surface..
2 - It is highly recommended to store them in small plastic bags with hermetic closure that can be purchased at any establishment at a very small cost. (Keep in mind that the case where we present them is not hermetic, so keeping the jewels for a long time in that case does not prevent them from the possible alteration of superficial color that the jewels may suffer)
3 Never store them in damp places, as humidity will cause superficial oxidation that can deteriorate the jewelery.s
All the jewels of Sibela They have been treated with the best materials and products to achieve their final shine and luster, but even so, with daily use and exposure to the open air they can gradually lose their initial appearance, so it is advisable to clean your jewelry every some time. For this we will give you some very simple tips that you can do at home.
In a medium bowl mix a little liquid soap with hot water, introduce your jewelry and let it rest for a few minutes, until the water is at room temperature, then with a soft filament brush (use a toothbrush) rub the jewelry In that same solution, once you clean them, you rinse them very well under the tap and finally, if you have a chance, you immerse them in distilled water before drying them. Finally, dry the piece well before storing it (the most recommended and appropriate way so that no moisture remains is to use a hair dryer)
Keep in mind that as we have explained previously, gold-plated pieces are delicate and require greater care, if you rub very vigorously or use a brush with very hard or abrasive filaments, you can make them lose their bath. Therefore, it is necessary to proceed with great care when cleaning them.
If you have any questions, contact the team of Sibela in Sibela@sibelastucio.com or in the web chatwww.sibelastudio.com